The wish of my daughter, who has Asperger's autism, more strength, courage and self-confidence, an "inner
building a protective shield” led us to Doris Nachtlberger.
Even the mysterious exercise room exudes something soothing and sacred and it doesn't fall
difficult to immerse yourself in the world that Doris Nachtlberger tells about. She goes with big
attentiveness and loving caution towards the young, still shy Kokorodo student
you with respect and curiosity, in order to absorb what concerns and worries are there. she
uses figurative language that a child can understand, but never in a way that the child can understand
not taken seriously but feels deeply addressed. At first it was more about mine
To give daughter "tools" so that she - by means of vivid pictures - mistress of her often herself
spinning thoughts, the first physical exercises were learned quickly in order to
To locate the body, to find and strengthen one's own center. Then it was about the conscious
Perceiving one's own strength and using it in a mindful "two-on-one fight", like a
choreographed dance to try: With gentle touches and powerful calls
on the one hand, with sticks and even swords or sabers. Anxiety reflexes caused by a physical
Confrontation can be triggered, should be able to be controlled and converted
are transformed into a soft absorption and dissipation of energy. And it's always about being with yourself
to stay, to feel yourself, to find and keep the focus - be it with a bow and arrow or
via the path of breathing meditations to bring peace and strength back to you.
What Doris Nachtlberger shares and passes on is something very special. It is a dive and
Trying things out in another world, but above all the experience of a loving one
Cooperation in great esteem with the aim of providing the young Kokorodo student with an abundance
equipped with tools and strategies to help the - for young people - often puzzling
and to make energy-sapping everyday (school) life more bearable, yes, this one with more strength and courage
to oppose For this we thank Doris Nachtlberger from the bottom of our hearts.