Martial Arts Mentoring


in the Martial Arts Mentoring I enable your physical-spiritual-emotional alignment and orientation as a human being through practical teaching of immanent basic principles in martial arts. As a mentor, I will help you to recognize your limits and to overcome them in a playful way.

martial arts breaks through rigid habitual patterns and shows the mechanisms and effects of natural friction and development processes within dynamic, ever-changing movement, including the physical, human and psychic levels. Paths to new experiences and behavior are made possible and explored together.

mentorship is based on the principle that a person experienced in general as well as in particular (mentor) their knowledge of the effectiveness of martial arts and practical skills to a "protégé" (mentee) in a protected setting and on Basis of an active learning and development relationship, passes on in order to promote and support them on their personal path. Moving together enables direct understanding through experience. The mentor makes himself/herself available with his or her authentic wealth of experience. He/she encourages the learner's curiosity and opens up access to experiences within the self-effective medium of martial arts.


Isshin - Deshin

From heart spirit to heart spirit

Inner strength

The path from the struggle for life to the art of living:

  • Body and movement-oriented method based on traditional martial, healing and movement arts
  • Focus on personality development and support of therapeutic processes
  • holistic work on posture & breathing focus
  • Empowerment & help for self-help
  • individual and goal-oriented individual setting
  • self-effective exercise principle
  • Inclusion of findings from traditional Chinese medicine, phenomenological anthropology, neurobiology, quantum physics, psychology, epigenetics and other related research.


  • Increase in self-awareness and self-care
  • Promote a clear, upright posture
  • Training of the senses and the ability to coordinate
  • Developing mindfulness and increasing attention
  • Activation of joie de vivre and presence
  • Sharpening of clear thinking and concentration
  • Strengthening of energy and assertiveness
  • Strengthening of relationship and conflict skills
  • Reduction of social anxiety
  • Training in constructive confrontation skills
  • Removal of strength and development blocks
  • Stabilization and resource strengthening
  • Promote self-confidence and trust in the world