KOKORO DO – Social Fund
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That Social Kokoro – Do SocialProject offers with one private trustonds, financial allowanceusse for women traumatized by violence (and affected children and young people) who want to take advantage of Kokoro-Do offers but are not in a position to do so financially.
Kokoro Do – martial arts mentoring offers with his "Trauma-sensitive empowerment“ Protected, individually adapted individual setting as a quick Helping people help themselves. The effects of experienced violence are made physically aware and active impulses to Recovery, activation of one's own inner Stetcrke as well as self-regulation of the subjective perception of stress. In a creative exercise context that enables physical sensation and self-awareness, such as self-efficacy testing, constructive and humorous ways are shown to (re)install new (behavioral) attitudes/thinking/emotions and volitional patterns that prevent a chronically destructive "victim attitude" and Reintegrate your own strength and dignity by promoting self-assertion, control and the ability to act. If necessary, martial arts empowerment can be carried out Nature resilience training be added.